What Makes a Great School in Maine? Join a Measure What Matters Community Conversation https://mainedoenews.net/2024/07/16/what-makes-a-great-school-in-maine-join-a-measure-what-matters-community-conversation/
5 days ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the June 2024 issue of MSMA Legislative News: https://5il.co/2ps3s
about 1 month ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Summer 2024 MSMA Labor Relations News: https://5il.co/2pp3a
about 1 month ago, MSMA
Connect with and share the Maine Loves Public Schools movement Efforts have accelerated to continue to promote the excellent work of Maine’s public schools.    The mission of Maine Loves Public Schools (MLPS) is to document, curate and share stories from within our school communities to promote trust in, and positive public engagement with, Maine’s public schools.  The Maine Loves Public Schools movement has been energized with a grant from the Maine Department of Education and a partnership with two collaborative film and social media companies.  Together with other education associations, success stories from across the state have been collected to be shared via the MLPS website, “X” account, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube.  Please view, connect and share these posts with others in your social media community.    You can join, follow, share and repost on the following platforms!  www.mainelovespublicschools.org  @MElovesPS – “X”  #mainelovespublicschools – Instagram  @mainelovespublicschools – YouTube  Maine Loves Public Schools – what connects us! 
about 1 month ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Late Spring 2024 MSMA School Law News: https://5il.co/2n87w
about 2 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the May 2024 MSMA Policy Development News: https://5il.co/2mrxy
about 2 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Late Spring 2024 MSMA Labor Relations News: https://5il.co/2mb08
2 months ago, MSMA
Click below to access the DOE "What Holds Us Together" podcast. Listen to Commissioner Makin and guests Steve Bailey, executive director of MSBA, and Miranda Engstrom, 2023 Hancock County Teacher of the Year, highlight efforts to elevate educators and schools. https://mainedoenews.net/2024/04/25/doe-podcast-what-holds-us-together-highlights-efforts-to-elevate-educators-and-schools/
3 months ago, MSMA
During Teacher Appreciation Week, MSSA and MSBA celebrate all our teachers in all our districts! Our collective hats are taken off to you as we recognize and so appreciate all you do, daily, for each of your students, in all of Maine’s school districts. Congratulations and thank you for all you do.
3 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Spring 2024 MSMA Labor Relations News: https://5il.co/2hp79
4 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Spring 2024 MSMA School Law News: https://5il.co/2h8hf
4 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the March 20, 2024 - Vol. 2 issue of the MSMA Policy Development News: https://5il.co/2gvlz
4 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the March 2024 issue of the MSMA Policy Development News: https://5il.co/2gg22
5 months ago, MSMA
National School Lunch Week is Oct. 9-13 and the School Nutrition Association is offering a comprehensive toolkit to help you celebrate with your school and students. Gain access to recipes, playlists, social media materials, etc. https://schoolnutrition.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/NSLW23-Toolkit.pdf?amp%3bemci=a495bb7a-bf62-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&%3bemdi=d2bc5c16-7f63-ee11-9937-00224832eb73&%3bceid=459929
10 months ago, MSMA
Plateful of Wisdom
On Tuesday, October 3, the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee of the 131st Legislature met for their second meeting to review the EPS formula and hear finance reports from MEPRI. MSBA and MSSA were there monitoring the conversation and following the work of this committee.
10 months ago, MSMA
Education Committee
Education Committee
Click on the following link to read the Fall 2023 issue of MSMA School Law News: https://5il.co/269ae
10 months ago, MSMA
School board members, superintendents and business officials attend the Annual Legislative Update presented by Drummond Woodsum and cosponsored by MSMA. Over 80 new laws impacting schools were reviewed.
10 months ago, MSMA
Annual Legislative Update Workshop
Annual Legislative Update Workshop
Tuesday 9/19 – SCHOOL STAFF SHORTAGES – Listen to Maine Calling tonight at 7 p.m. Schools in Maine and across the nation are grappling with staff shortages, from teachers to bus drivers to people with special ed training. We talk with Eileen King, MSSA Executive Director, Commissioner Pender Makin, and other education leaders about the causes and effects of these shortages, as well as proposed solutions. https://www.mainepublic.org/listen-live
10 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the August 2023 issue of MSMA Legislative News: https://5il.co/23j1a
11 months ago, MSMA
Click on the following link to read the Spring 2023 issue of MSMA Labor Relations News: https://5il.co/1vgck
about 1 year ago, MSMA