Why Outbreaks like Coronavirus Spread Exponentially and How to "Flatten the Curve"
DOE Commissioner’s Message to the Field https://mailchi.mp/maine/cu5lemq6y0-1320895?e=2cff93feff
Governor Mills, Maine Congressional Delegation Convene Call on COVID-19
Governor Mills Takes Further Steps to Respond to COVID-19, Protect Health and Safety of Maine People
Governor Mills, Legislature Spearhead Emergency Legislative Package to Respond to COVID-19
As COVID-19 spreads throughout the country, more schools are canceling classes and shifting their in-person instructional time online. Many teachers are now trying to understand the ins-and-outs of distance learning. The good news is: help is available! Many companies are offering teachers and schools access to their online platforms for free for the duration of their closure. The Center for Safe Schools has put together a list of free online resources.
This list can be accessed here: https://schoolchoiceweek.com/37-free-online-resources-for-schools-shifting-online-during-coronavirus/
Coronavirus and school closures - the importance of social distancing. Linked below is an article from Ariadne Labs on the benefits of social distancing.
Please click the link below to read the priority notice from Commission Makin regarding the close of schools due to COVID-19.
Governor Announces Significant Recommendations & Signs Civil Emergency Proclamation to Respond to COVID-19 in Maine
The most up-to-date information on Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Schools can be found on the Maine DOE website. Under "Important Links" you can also find a webinar with guidance for schools.
RSU 13 Superintendent John McDonald and Curriculum Coordinator Steffany Tribou discuss Rockland journey in developing their schools of the future.
Dr. Webb and Bangor’s Literacy team share their strategies about raising student achievement in Bangor Schools.
Superintendent Anastasio shares successful changes in Augusta that process equity in Augusta Schools.
Governor Mills convened her Coronavirus Response Team charged with coordinating State government’s response across departments and local agencies and health authorities to the potential spread of novel coronavirus. Click the link below for additional information. https://www.maine.gov/governor/mills/news/governor-mills-convenes-coronavirus-response-team-2020-03-02
A session on Coronavirus has been added to the March 6 Drive in Workshop. The registration deadline has been extended until Tuesday, March 3rd. Linked below is all the information relative to the Drive in.
Click on the following link to view the February 2020 issue of the MSSA Newsletter: https://5il.co/dcyu
Please click the link below to read the Priority Notice from the Maine DOE - Reminders for School Communities Regarding the 2019 Novel Coronavirus
MSSA Officers ready to cheer on David Murphy, Maine’s Superintendent of the Year
Dr. David Murphy, Maine’s Superintendent of the Year!
Click on the following link to view the January 2020 issue of the MSSA Newsletter: https://5il.co/cn1g