Travelers is the carrier for MSMA’s Property & Casualty Trust’s boiler program and as part of that program your boilers and pressure vessels are inspected each year with no additional cost to you. To schedule an inspection, please email:

John Mileiki, Inspector –

As a reminder, all members can get in touch with the inspector through Travelers Request Line at or 800-425-4991.

In an effort to have all objects within a school system inspected and to avoid unnecessary communication from the State of Maine, Travelers has asked that all members post their inspection certificates under glass pursuant to Maine Statute Title 32, Chapter 131, § 15117 which states:

“The inspection certificate…must be posted under glass in the engine or boiler room containing the boiler or pressure vessel or engine operated by it or, in the case of a portable boiler, in the office of the plant where it is temporarily located.”


Go to Maine’s Agency License Management System (ALMS) at to “Other License Search. The registration number of the boiler and/or pressure vessel is needed.


The boiler and machinery policy with Travelers Insurance Services covers boilers and boiler related equipment, communication equipment, computer equipment and fiber optic cables. Also, power surges that result in the failure of PA systems, telephone systems and computer equipment should also be reported as a boiler and machinery loss.

All damaged parts should be saved so that an adjuster may inspect when on site. Travelers Insurance Services request that you obtain two, preferably three, competitive bids/quotes for repair of the existing boiler and replacement. Timely notification of loss impacts the claim and therefore, efforts should be made to report the loss as soon as possible to ensure that Travelers has ample opportunity to inspect/investigate damages.

Please feel free to contact Nita Folckemer at 800-660-8484 or via email at should you have any questions.