Safe Schools: NSBA Coronavirus Resources

NSBA has published a coronavirus resource webpage. To access this page you can go to our home page at, or you can go directly to the webpage at Responding to the Coronavirus

It contains information that can help school board members prepare for the coronavirus. One of the resources is an NSBA guide that can help school districts with their preparedness efforts. The guide-COVID-2019: Preparing For Widespread Illness in Your School Community: A Legal Guide for School Leaders-features prevention and mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery actions. We thank the National Association of School Nurses for its support and collaboration.

More resources will be posted to the webpage as they become available. We'll contact you as new information and tools are added.

The Education Department's Coronavirus Information web page is now live at There is a Featured button from to the page.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention's Coronavirus Information web page is now live at